This is a crazy time, and you might be thinking that focusing on good stuff is just a distraction. But I disagree. I think it’s crucial to keep us from giving up. — David Byrne

Ever since gossip ruled the roost, news has been news, always dire.  But in recent years, news has become The Doomsday Project.   The project’s pundits believe that alarming news inspires action.  Just one more nightmare from a burning planet, one more tirade about political dysfunction, and your inertia will vanish.  You will leap into action and act, vote, live as if your actions and votes matter.

But the project is not working.

Despair is rampant.  Outrage is all the rage.  Why?  Because the natural response to Doomsday is not fight but flight.  Or fighting each other.

Your actions, your votes matter, but The Attic believes nothing matters more than hope.  Hence these stories of a kinder, cooler America.  Dreamers.  Wonders.  Wits.  Rebels. Teachers. Builders. . .  Feel good stuff?  Head in the sand?  Nope, just one ex-reporter’s answer to The Doomsday Project.